It was only 1 hour out from the local town, Bob’s car had flipped and he was hanging trapped upside down with no ability to reach for his phone. It would be 6 hours before a passing truck driver stopped to help him out of his vehicle and get medical attention. Fortunately, and thankfully Bob lives to tell the story. No-one knew that Bob was missing, not his workplace nor his family.
That is the story of how SafetyIQ was born.
Surely it can’t be possible in this era of technology, there isn’t an app out there that would trigger an automated alarm when someone couldn’t? Well the answer to that in the year of 2013 was ‘no’ there wasn’t. Yes, there were and are a lot of apps that require a push button panic alarm, but not anything that would start an emergency response process if someone was not able to.
When you really start to think about all the things that can go wrong when people travel, as an employer the responsibility and duty of care can seem a little overwhelming. I have learnt a lot since we launched SafetyIQ in 2014. I have heard stories of strokes in hotels, vehicle incidents in the middle of no-where, kidnapping’s, people getting lost, chemical spill on a major road, missed flights and the list continues.
But one of the biggest learning I have had, is that there are A LOT of business’s who have a workforce that have A LOT of people travelling whether it be in a vehicle, plane, boat, train or bus and they have no idea where their people are. Not only is this fundamentally irresponsible and fraught with risk to not know where people are when operating in company time, it is also the mental impact on the traveller knowing full well that their employer has no idea where they are. I hear often the phrase ‘my boss would have no idea where I am’.
We developed SafetyIQ so that anyone that travelled could feel safe on their own, with the comfort knowing that if they didn’t arrive, someone would know about it in a short space of time. A cost-effective journey management solution that irrespective of the type of travel, everyone in the whole business had access.
SafetyIQ has now become even more accessible and is available for anyone to download online. So, if you were thinking that you couldn’t afford software to support your mobile workers, well now you can. In fact, it may be a situation that you can’t afford not to, after all workers are an organisations biggest asset.
Our clients have found that on-boarding SafetyIQ into their business has not only provided a safety solution particularly for meeting Legislative Obligations associated with remote and isolated workers, other benefits have included:
The most profound benefit though, still comes back to peace of mind for not only the traveller, but also those who are responsible.
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